Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Do You know..... After Quiting Smoking......

Regardless of how long you have been smoking and how much you smoke, the moment you put out your last cigarette there are changes that begin to take place within your body that signifies the beginning of the repair process.
Within 20 minutes after your last cigarette your blood pressure begins to return to normal and the temperature of your hands and feet also increase. This is due to the improved circulation in the body.

In as little as 8 hours after you quit smoking the carbon monoxide level in your body decreases and the oxygen level in your blood increases to normal.

Just 24 hours after your last cigarette your risk of having a heart attack substantially decreases.

Two days after you quit, your sense of taste and your sense of smell intensify and return back to a more normal state making everything you eat, drink and smell that much better.

Three days later, your lung capacity will increase making it easier for you to breathe.

Your circulatory system will improve and your lung function will increase up to 30% within two weeks to three months after quitting.

In 1 to 9 months the cilia in your lungs will regenerate, allowing your body to clean your lungs which reduces the risk of infection.

Only one year later, your risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker.

Five years later, your risk of stroke is reduced to that of a nonsmoker.

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